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Leather thickness for wallets...

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Hello, I have made a few wallets (using simple online tutorials) but they are all:

4-5oz veg tanned tooling leather wallets.

I hand tooled a design, and set my own snaps and rivets (fold over design etc, so none are yet stiched).


Well I got some 2-3 oz leather (maybe 3-4) but it is veg tan tooling leather too from tandy but it is WAY more supple.  Is this what typical wallets that fold are made out of?  I like the ones I made out of the 4-5oz but after I am done they do feel like 'plasticy' almost till they get worked in.   I had thought the thinner leather would be better but not sure now.  I guess I am curious what most people use.  I see lots of 'tutorials' and patterns for the wallet but very few seem to say 'this is this oz leather, and this was made with this oz leather' etc...


Totally new, but learning....and well have nothing but time now :/  and a roll of that lighter leather to use (my 4-5 oz leather is all gone for now)...



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