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New tools - wood ID

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Hey everyone, i just got a 36 mm tuchime leather knife, mini bean plane, and thread nips from Okada Tools https://okada125.com/store/category/tools/.  You can use google translate on the site because its japanese.  The knife and plane blades are aogami super blue steel, and i think the nips are aogami #2.  Holy crap, these are nice to use.  The knife can shave off layers so thin that they break apart when you try to pick them up, i'm really impressed. I'm using the bean plane for my full edge shaping so i dont need to sand anymore, and it makes a nice fully convex edge instead of a flat edge with two knocked off corners as with my normal beveler.  It takes more time though, multiple passes for the shaping - def not a high throughput method.  

They were very responsive while the tools were on the way from japan, but i havent been able to get a reply fro them as to what type of wood they used for the plane of the knife handle.  I want to start making tools some day myself so i'd like to know what im working with, anyone have any idea what types of wood these might be?



Edited by PhilC

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