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finishing a recently dyed piece

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I posted this in a different spot on the forum and realized it should have been posted here as this is the area for advice.

I am not sure if this question has already been answered so please forgive me if it has. I was wondering if anyone has had any trouble using products like Fiebings leather balm atom wax then finishing with Sno Seal. I bought a bottle of the atom wax a couple years ago and plan to use it to help condition a jacket I recently deglazed and re dyed. Upon receiving a little more information I decided I would like to use Sno Seal to finish the jacket, as it will likely be a little more water proof. I know some people arent crazy about the leather balm, but i am wanting to try it if no one flat out thinks it is a bad idea. I realize it will require a good bit of buffing (it already has just with the dye) but could I use the leather balm atom wax first, to help add moisture to the leather, then finish with the Sno Seal to help keep the jacket water proofed to some extent? Or would doing that cause a problem? Would it better to just use one or the other? Could using the two waxes on the same piece cause one to under perform? Ive read how the sno seal itself isn't a conditioner so I thought if I used the leather balm atom wax first it would work just fine for what I'm wanting. Thank you for any pointers, it is much appreciated.


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