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Hi-Tech Splitter Problem

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Hi, I got a second hand "Hi-tech splitter" (tandy hand-pull type 4", bench mounted) the other day from one of our other members and I just got around to messing with it.. It didn't come with a manual and I didn't think I'd be needing one seeing as how simple it seems. But.... I'm a little embarrased to admit I can't figure out how to make it work. Well, I'm pretty sure it needs to be sharpened (that's a whole other subject I'm researching). But besides that, I'm a little confused by how the adjustments are supposed to be made. The other thing, is that there seems to be a slightly wider gap between the blade and the roller. This wouldn't make for even splitting I wouldn't imagine. I can only see that gap when I work the roller's lever btw, as I can't seem to create a gap there by just moving any of the knobs. Can anyone explain some to me what I'm doing wrong? Sorry for the amateurish problem. Thanks.

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Thanks tnawrot2, from watching that video.. the guy says that the one vertical thumb screw (on the bottom) controls the thickness of the skive (or split), and that the two thumb screws on the back side are used to adjust the roller under the blade. If that's the case, then are there situations when those two thumb screws would need to be adjusted once set the first time? Or are they set and that's pretty much it? thanks again. BTW - man my blade must be dull, I was practically pulling the table away from the wall !

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