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brass and leather

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I have almost all of the mule's foot tools that I need but would really like a big wide one. I don't want to spend another $25 or so so I made one out of a 30-06 shell casing cut in half. On a piece of scrap it works fine but I wondered if you "jewelers" out there can save me a problem in the future.

Is the brass going to hurt the wet leather in any way down the road? I have cleaned it well and polished it too but I would hate to have black marks later.


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Not a jeweler but from what I gather the black comes from a chemical reaction between the iron content in certain metal types and the chemicals used in tanning a hide, I don't think brass or stainless reacts. Pot metals like the stuff a bearing housing is made of or file shavings from sharpening tools does react within seconds. Most books recommend sharpening all tools well away from any wet leather contact.

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