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Melanie Wilfong

Ashley Book Of Knots Or Grant's Encylopedia

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The books I'm using are Grant's Leather Braiding and Cowboy Horse Gear. I've had success practicing with those two; ready to build a quirt and hackamore. I'd like to learn more. Which book is better, Ashley book of knots, or Grant's encyclopedia? Which one has easier instructions? I will get both if they are highly recommended, but didn't want to duplicate what I already have. Thanks.

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well i have never looked at ashley book of knots....but have all three of grants books as well as 3 of tom halls books. with the encyclopedia you will get some duplication of the info in the other two grant books but you also get alot more so i think it is worth the purchase. ive heard good things about the ashley book. when i asked for recommendations from the other braiders the tom hall books got the most recommendations. his western tack tips and more western tack tips contain alot of measurements for various types of western tack, headstalls reins and more. plus lots of tips on tieing knots, finishing, braiding keepers, attaching poppers etc. he also covers a bunch of knots not covered by grant in any of his books. really good reference material....

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Why knot both? (sorry for that)

I've used Ashley's in my ropework for years. I'm on my 2nd copy, due to wear. When I started working in leather I bought Grant's book on braiding, since that was what I was doing. Now I use both quite frequently for reference. Grant's of course, is more relevant to leather braiding, but Ashley's will give you a different view of the makeup of the same knot or braid, usually with a different name. Having Ashley's at hand will also keep your creativity piqued. There are so many knots and braids that could be done or modified in leather. Plus - It's a great read. G'luck and have fun.

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Thank you. Yeah, why knot both? lol Think I'll get them all. Having a little trouble when I get to the end of pineapple knot. Slight screw up and I've not figured it out yet. I'll keep trying.

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if you can post a picture of your knot one of the braiders might be able to help you figure out your mistake. i keep all my messed up knots that ive had to cut off of projects in a little box..

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if you can post a picture of your knot one of the braiders might be able to help you figure out your mistake. i keep all my messed up knots that ive had to cut off of projects in a little box..

Thank you. I kept after it and sure enough, practice makes perfect! I made 3 pineapples today. The three under was messing me up, and now that I know, it's so easy, don't know why it took so long.lol

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