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camano ridge

Do You Use A Software Program To Track Your Orders And Expenses

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Does any one use a program to keep track of your orders whats ordered, price, expenses etc. If so what program.

Edited by camano ridge

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There's a big talk we were having down in the "PC Help" section at the bottom of the forum called "ERP Software". Most of them I'm looking at are overkill for what I need. But, I've been using GNUCash as a good starting point for accounting and expenses. It's basically a free open source version of Quick Books. I'm still looking for something that will help me better manage customer data and inventory, but GNUCash does have a customer tracking feature as well. I just haven't played with it that much.

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Thanks, I knew there was some place else to look for this I don't know why I did not scroll down to computer help.

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