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Beginner Belt Making Tools

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I'm brand new to this and figured a Belt would be a good first project. So if you have any tools that can be applied to belt making let me know. I'm looking for such things as: punch set, oval punch, shears, slicker,and so on, and maybe just some scrape leather to practice burnishing on. Let me know what you have. Thanks, Michael.

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You're best bet for a first project is a PLAIN belt. You can order a blank from Tandy, Springfield Leather, Waterhouse.....pretty much any of the leather suppliers listed at the top of the page.

There's a tutorial on how to make a belt in the "how do I do that?" section that will show you the basics.

An oval punch is useful, but a round punch will do just fine. You can make the billet end with a good pair of scissors. Slicking can be done with with house hold objects, burnishing can be done with scrap denim from blue jeans.

Most of what you listed is frequently used tools, and you might be better off buying a small kit from Springfield or Tandy (or Hobby Lobby or Michael's), as it will include several tools, some leather, patterns and instructions.

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