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Have A Question About Leather Shoes And Sharpies

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Ok. So two questions in one post here.

1. I have a pair of white leather\rubber Nikes that i am trying to keep clean. I am using sneaker clean every other day or so and its a pain. Do you guys recommend any type of sealer so i can stop with this?

2. I have another pair of white white leather\rubber Nikes that have been customized with sharpies. I feel like i should do something to these so the sharpies doesn't rub\scratch\whatever off. Any suggestions?

Thank in Advance,


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Shoes=feet, feet = ground, ground= dirt, nothing is going to keep them clean all the time unless you invent something that can repel dirt, if you can look me up we'll make millions.

As far as the sharpies go, get a can of acrylic spray laquer and spray your shoes a couple of times and let them dry really well inbetween coats and it should keep em set for a good while.

Other than that if you really have to have white shoes put em on a shelf and wear some sandles.


Edited by bkingery

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Shoes=feet, feet = ground, ground= dirt, nothing is going to keep them clean all the time unless you invent something that can repel dirt, if you can look me up we'll make millions.

As far as the sharpies go, get a can of acrylic spray laquer and spray your shoes a couple of times and let them dry really well inbetween coats and it should keep em set for a good while.

Other than that if you really have to have white shoes put em on a shelf and wear some sandles.


holy incredi-bump

1. thanks for the advice on the lacquer. ill check into that.

2. i dont want them to stay super clean. i thought there would be something like scotchguard or something that would work to help keep them clean.

thanks again.

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