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Everything posted by bkingery

  1. It will work fine, promise. I do the same thing with the kits, can't stand round holes for flat lace. If it does have a problem "flipping open", before you lace it together wet down the fold lines and put a book on it or something and let er sit for a day and it will stay, don't groove it though just wet it, fold it, weight it, dry it. Hope this helps. Peace Bryan
  2. Don't know if you have a dollar store around you anywhere but I recently found a bunch of flexible plastic placemats that are excellent for patterns, flexible and strong enough to last for decades Peace Bryan
  3. What kind of kit are you looking for?
  4. I have the same problem only my wife thinks the money from my "hobby" should go to bills and her "jewelry business" should go back into the business. B
  5. hey buddy you need a facebook page

  6. hey buddy you need a facebook page

  7. There are two pattern sets just for cuffs on the Pattern and templates section by an awesome guy named Jim. I attached them but I don't know if it worked. If you can't get them to download let me know and I can e-mail them to you Peace Bryan P.S. if you go to his website he has some AWESOME tutorials on holsters. Cowboy_Cuff_Patterns1.pdf Cowboy_Cuffs1.pdf
  8. Howdy from Utah, and welcome, lots to see here.
  9. I use a sharpie ultra fine point, the white case ones not the new fangled black ones because they bead up and smear. Bryan
  10. Ok all you saddle makers, I replied on a post this morning about stamping and carving on wet moulded stuff and told the person to ask the saddle makers because to me doing a swell would be the same thing. After posting this I have been cruising LW and the web for what seems like days trying to find ANY information that might help. NUTHIN. ANYWHERE. Can some of you explain your process for those of us that are dumbfounded. Pretty Please. With sugar on top. Many Thanks Bryan
  11. Thanks Jim, i for one sure do appreciate that you are so generous with all of your knowledge and patterns. Hope you know how big of a help it is to us. Peace and love Bryan
  12. Translation from Bing "Only wet form, nice crop, and glaetten....dann about Holzform Evert (you hates the form even if you wet first...?) Fix Holzform on solid hard ground and stamp / punzieren! Finish auftrage...It works just fine, if the pieces are not too large! > > > guad ischs...gell hanno! Gruessle of Virginia" I say ask the saddle makers they stamp and carve on swells all the time, couldn't be much differant than stamping on a mould.
  13. OK, first and foremost, AWESOME JOB, second you're way to hard on yourself, third you can still antique over super sheen I've done it lots. Last there is a lesson to be learned. Always always cover the non painted area with something the paint or stain can't go through. I use saran wrap and cut out an area the size of the design and then go to paintin. Oh yeah if your mom doesn't want it send it to me and I'll make sure my wife will throws it away in about fifty years when it's worn out. Peace and Love Bryan
  14. I'll bite, info would be good. Plus PLEASE post when you have found someone please. Peace Bryan
  15. That sir has got to be one of the coolest things i've seen for a long time. Great job.
  16. Happened to me here in Utah to, new is fine but the lack of knowledge is appalling to say the least. The goof balls here didn't even know what a RESIST was for crying out loud. I told them they should all join LW and do some research on the stuff that they are supposed to be selling. Oh well i geuss, what can ya do.
  17. DANG Red, your stuff looks better everytime you post. AWESOME. Peace Bryan
  18. bkingery


    Welcome to LW, now RUN, RUN FAR...................no, okay then, this site is probably the best source of information you will ever have, yes go to TANDY and get a starter kit, it will have a few tools you can start with and someone there should be able to teach you the basics of each tool. One thing I do is go to youtube and just type in leatherworking and just start clicking. Bryan
  19. Howdy and Welcome, Dude don't psych yourself out before you get started, you've got plenty of time. First things first ya know. If you have a Tandy near by go in smell the leather, look around at all the possibilties get a kit, mess around a little get another one mess around some more, there are lots of kits out there that can stear you in the right direction for a holster, but realize once you get started you'll look at everything you see and be saying "Hmm I bet I could make that". Mike gave you a good list to start with. There are tons of books to read but the best ones to learn from I think are "The art of making leather cases" by Al Stohlman, there are three volumes and they usually go for 10-12 bucks each but for thirty bucks the knowledge you will get from them is priceless. Good luck and have a great time. Peace and Love Bryan
  20. UMMMM if the bathroom is down the hall on the left what was that I've been using???

  21. Shoes=feet, feet = ground, ground= dirt, nothing is going to keep them clean all the time unless you invent something that can repel dirt, if you can look me up we'll make millions. As far as the sharpies go, get a can of acrylic spray laquer and spray your shoes a couple of times and let them dry really well inbetween coats and it should keep em set for a good while. Other than that if you really have to have white shoes put em on a shelf and wear some sandles. Bryan
  22. I just started using the big yellow bar and I rub it staright on the edges while they are kinda dry and it seems to do a real good job for me.
  23. trying to find an old thread that was aboout a folded horse keychain, anyone remember that one?

  24. Weldwood may not be not superior but definitely cheaper, and easier to get as you can get it at any hardware store. B
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