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Everything posted by bkingery

  1. Years ago when I was doing alot of woodwork I would actually put projects between books and the park my car on them for a few hours. Worked great.
  2. What would the shipping be to get them here to America and what was the initial cost of them maybe we can help??
  3. Sorry to hear about your dilema, I was recently talking to an archery guy the other day trying to drum up some interest and he mentioned off hand that to him it seems the archery hunters seem to be left aside because there is just no really good camo accessories so maybe that would be something you could do, I don't sew yet either but I,ve been looking at a lot of stuff and alot of it seems like it coule be hand sewn. Use it to cover light foam so it moves easily or maybe an insert. Just wondering though what the tensile strength of stuff that thin would be cuz I think it would look cool cut into lace. Just a couple thoughts. Peace Bryan
  4. I can't get it to show up here because I don't know how to convert a word file into a pdf file but it is just a standard font in ms word, I also found it and a bunch of other script type fonts on ez font.com and almost all of them are free. Bryan
  5. I like to do mostly modern script but am trying to get good at edwardian script and seeing as how there are no stamps for them I have to carve them which is good practice for me, lots of scrolls and fine detail, thats why i like it anyway. bryan
  6. bkingery

    My kinda cuffs

    some stuff I've been working on
  7. Hey all finally did some stuff so some my addictions can work together, COFFEE AND LEATHER, haha. Critiques and comments welcome. Could really use some advice on how to stitch single layer in a circle and also the back stiching (other than the obvious switching direction) . Hope to be able to start selling these soon. Peace Out Bryan
  8. Hey, welcome to the site, glad to see ya, not many of us utahns, I hail from west valley and magna but I live in vernal now.

  9. How about a "brand " i can put on my wood burning tool? b
  10. some days your the louisville slugger some days your the ball

  11. I used to glue posterboard to all of the stuff that I tooled and I was always getting the rubber cement all over, and I just think its messy but after reading on here about people using shipping tape on the back i tried that and it works great, so far all of the pieces that i have used it on have not stretched at all and i've tied it on everything from basket weaves to those huge tripoints and no stretch, i found that if you put it on one direction and then put another layer on the other direction then it works pretty good, the only problem I had was it was slippery on my board so I just put some masking tape on it and it quit sliding around. Of course the one drawback was it fuzzes up the back a little bit but not so bad that it looks bad on the stuff I do. Good luck hope this helps. Bryan
  12. Sorry I never got back to you, I showed this post to the guy I got all of my craftaids from and he showed me a wallet he did with it so I know I have it somewhere and when the goblins put it back where it belongs you are more than welcome to it. Peace and Love Bryan
  13. It shouldn,t just be sure that you always lead you front stitch the same way every stitch, either front first and down or back first and front on top, if that makes any sense cuz i think i just confused myself???? B
  14. thanks for the replies guys, Kate yours was the inspiration for the one I'll build someday. B
  15. Hey Bob, Do you realize the AWESOME amount that those of us that suck really do learn just from looking at your stuff and reading your posts, truly inspiring and I just wish you would start traveling and teaching. Peace and Love Bryan
  16. hey welcome to the most addicting site in the world.

  17. Being a Leo most definitely affects my work, ALL of my work it makes me a perfectionist for one which is a problem in that I never feel that what I am doing or have accomplished is ever good enough for even myself so why would it ever be good enough to sell. Hence I am still in a holding pattern for the time being. Kinda depressing usually.
  18. Hey all I was just wondering if anyone uses the calf lace from Leathercord and if so what kind of quality,strength,dye,issues have you had. I have been trying to find a good calf lace supplier but so far these guys seem to be the cheapest. i just hope its not cuz its cheap. I would love to use roo lace but its so far out of my price range its just not possible. Peace Out and Merry Christmahannakuanzika to all Bryan
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