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Everything posted by bkingery

  1. 3 hrs to get home 3 hrs to snow blow 3 hrs to sleep then back to work and the storm is supposed to last for two more days YAY

  2. Funny you should mention the surgical hose because I was talking to my physical therapist brother after i put that post up last night and he mentioned wrapping surg. tube on the tools or using a liquid latex and doing a buildup to the thickness that we need and make them fit our hands and oh yeah he did say " I've showed you the exercises before why aren't you doing them MORON", unquote.
  3. 14 inches of snow in 6 hours

  4. Yes there are unscrupulous people out there but try to think about it this way, what happens to a person that is old, the skin is loose and wrinkly, what happens to a person who is starved, the skin is loose and wrinkly and has little to no resililiency, no stretch, no bounce back. Now what about the healthy person that dies suddenly the skin is just the same as it was before they died. morbid and sad but true. so why would a person that is trying to sell "non slaughtered leather" mistreat the animals they are trying to sell for it. It would just be counter productive, unless your gonna sell the skins for dog chews what would be the point. I'm sure from a tanners perspective that these hides are very much more intensive to process, and just like us the more work we do hopefully the more money we can get for our efforts.
  5. I'm just curious but has ANYONE on here bought any of these freakin hides, for the most part all anyone has to say is wheather or not its ethical or not or politically correct. I say WHO CARES and why should we, we buy leather, we use leather everyday and appreciate it for what it is The freakin skin from a dead animal, has anyone used it, is it good for anything, is it crap, I doubt it. I have read almost every post on this site about where to get good to great leather and just take a geuss where we're told to go Seigel leather HUH go figure that the guy you all are giving BS to for trying to do a good thing for all of us is one of the ones that has been doing this business for a damn longtime and I think he deserves a littl more respect than to be nagged about the politics of leather. Steve if I could afford it I would buy some just to see what it was like. sorry had to vent B
  6. Hey there, I like you am having a very hard time trying to find ergo stamping tools, NOBODY has them, all I have seen is the new ergo swivel knife and modeling tools from Tandy but as far as the stamping tools there is NOT ONE, so i bought some rubber hose from the parts store and am trying to figure out a way to fit it so i can make all my tools about 1/2 to 5/8 of an inch which so far seems to be the optimal size for me to stop all the nerves in my hnds from going numb, still have to work on the bad shoulders and elbows but i'm trying to figure it out. B
  7. does anyone know how to say Leatherworker in ute indian???

  8. Interested to be sure, my questions would be 1-how long was it in the field 2-what kind of deterioration is there on average because lets face it dead things rot 3- have you Steven been asked for a particular item of this nature 4- what kind of tannage 5- what is the temper and how come it is so thick and can YOU split it. I personally think that the drag marks might be kinda cool depending on the severity you could use them as a tearout design for tattoo type stuff, or just make stuff look old and incorporate the scratches. If I wasn't past my budget for the month already i would think of buying some but I can't afford to blow my nose at the moment so maybe later. Good effort SIR. P.S. any of us that read the forum alot sure do remember the Vegan Girlfriend, Wonder whatever happened to that guy. Peace and Love Bryan
  9. Alright now I'm thouroughly jealous we were just talking about them yesterday

  10. What I wanna know is what is a fat pen, where do you get one and what do you use it for, sounds very interesting, I don't even know if we have those here?
  11. Hey all, I am trying to design a stitching pony that I can clamp to my workbench that can be easily stored in my tight space, So far this is what I came up with. Its kinda rough but I think you can get the general idea. I want it to have the cam locks and be able to swivel . Also it will have angled legs that I can just drill some holes into that will match holes i will drill into my bench leg to put pins into to be able to adjust the height so i can sit or stand while i'm doing my stiching and stuff. I geuss i'm just trying to find out what a good distance from the clamping leather to the top of the jaws should be (I'm thinking twelve inches), and what cant should the jaws be (75-80 degrees maybe). like I said the jpeg is rough cuz i'm not on my home comp. Any ideas from all of you would be spectacular and greatly appreciated. If I can reinvent the horse so to speak I think I might try to sell these. Many thanks Peace and Love Bryan
  12. Ummmm Embossing die dude Where did you go????, I dont know if you realize it or not but on this site there are literally THOUSANDS of people from all over the world that are and could be interested in getting your products and you just disapeared into the wild blue. If it were me I would keep in touch with the people on here, try to do some samples try to find out for real what it is we would want, TEST TO YOUR TARGET. I would personnally like to try out some of your stuff, Bryan
  13. Way to go Mike, don't celebrate to hard

  14. rockabilly hell on pandora

    1. LNLeather
    2. bkingery


      come listen with me I've got like ten stations, Something for everyone

  15. i use one with no tooling and it works good

  16. every timr i try my chat my computer wont load it

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      Did you load Java? Can't work without it :-)

  17. I bow to your greatness, and oh yeah that lion is AWESOME. Peace Bryan
  18. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Hope all is well and you are doing good.

  19. I like it alot, it would be perfect for my "teeny cash" wanna sell one, I'll use my "teeny card" B
  20. make a copy of it first, then just add it as an attachment like you do an email, or just send it to those of us that think it rocks in an e mail. i think its cool I just cant figure out how it works, but my brain is mush today anyway. Peace Bryan
  21. no orders but presents aren't even close

  22. found a bunch of posts but I need some for imbedded stones or beads on braceletes??

  23. trying to find any posts on inlaying stones??? Any ideas?

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