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Everything posted by bkingery

  1. getting ready to move AGAIN

  2. did you hear back from him cuz i think he forgot about us?? cool name Bryan
  3. That looks very nice and it would sell like hotcakes here in mo-mo land.(take it easy people I'm born and raised just not active) . Why did you use a Prevail instead of you Badger? I've been debateing on getting an airbrush or a prevail so it would be interesting to know. Peace Bryan
  4. Dude you did a CTR ring, cool, thanks for the info, one thing about the USMC is it takes alot of rubbiing before it quits "shedding" color on stuff and yourself, I spray coat mine with acrylic sealer and it seems to do ok after that. ps where can i get your burnishers at. Peace out Bryan
  5. Hey all, I have read and read again about gum trag being one of the BEST things for edges and how it takes dye so well but this is FAR from my experience. I usually use some glycerin or even some of my casing solution for doing my edges but I bought some gum trag and tried it and I cant get my USMC black to color it more than half way and if you get any on the front by accident the dye works even less than that . I read that it is NOT a resist so WTH . Ok its not edge dye but its what I have and I can't just keep spending money for **** that won't work. If someone can please help me it would be GREATLY appreciated. Am I doing stuff in the wrong order should I dye first and then trag or should I just throw the trag away and keep doing it the way I was. Peace Bryan
  6. LOL 70 views and not a single comment. Those comments above would have been better than nothing. And in case your wondering, Yes I am an attention whore. Look at me! Look at me! Now since I said that can I get a A'men ?!? Ha Ha Ha Ha! Just kidding... sort of.. Allen Yup, amen Brutha
  7. I've been looking for some to, Maybe Steven or Kevin can find some . B
  8. Hey All, Just thought I would tell ya'll about this book that I got from my mom, its called "THE GREAT BIG BOOK OF DESIGNS an inspirational sourcebook" by searchpress, this book is huge and has about 350 pages of nothing but line art with everythingfrom Roman to Native american to Celtic, tons and tons of flowers and a bucnh of other stuff, the best part is there are NO COPYWRITES on any of the drawings, maybe oneday I'll count all the drawings in it and let you know how many there are. one thing though there isn't any tribal or skulls kinda bummer but the rest is well worth the 24.95 I saw it on amazon for. Peace and Love Bryan
  9. If your in a pinch the 12 inch Jorgenson type screw clamps work really well and yoou can screw some longer boards on them to make them deeper, the pawn shop I go to sells knockoffs for about 10.00. Peace Bryan
  10. If your addicted to LW.net does that make you a LeatherLURKER??

    1. Lurker
    2. LNLeather


      Way Too Funny! I laughed till I cried - still have tears in my eyes. Thanks so much for the laugh – Johanna and bkingery

    3. LNLeather


      OH Hey, I got it - It's Leatherworkerlurker

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  11. Looks good to me I've been trying to do the same thing for a while. I just can,t figure out how to do irregular shapes so they don't look like a two y/o cut them with kindergarten scissors, I like yours though really cool. I would just lace it and use it as is. Peace Bryan
  12. Ferg ya know if ya really don't like it that much I'll be happy to throw it away for ya in about ten or fifteen years, just send it to me and I'll make sure it gets taken care of properly, Oh yeah is it a 38" by chance? Really nice I wish I could sew half that good. Peace and Love Bryan
  13. Quote "If you dye a spirit wit spirit dye will the spirit die?" PRICELESS Mike I've been laughing all day. that one shouldgo in the hall of fame.

  14. I actually have thought about one of the presses but they all have such narrow throats so I think I will probably just use my shopsmith. B
  15. Me too me too, please. My wife doesn't like stamping and tooling but she would be awesome with a tattoo gun. He really did a great job, I'm wondering what he put in his gun to make it look like its embossed. Peace Bryan
  16. I've been trying to find a deadblow mallet that doesnt feel like it would poke a whole through it if I hit it hard and can't seem to find one. Any ideas????
  17. ATTENTION: All Tri-weave basket stamps I herefore banish you back to the hell from whence you came.

    1. JustKate


      You can send them to me if

      you don't want them any more.

    2. Clay


      Ha Ha! that is funny!!

    3. Brass
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. I did some of this on a bridle I made once and but I used 1 piece of latigo lace and just tied it off on the inside, that way if it frays it doesn't come all undone in a hurry and if you skive it down when you get to the end you can glue it like you said. Of course the bridle was a bit bigger but I think it would work the same. Peace Bryan
  19. As a kid we had a really old beginners kit that was in a box forever and I would pull it out and try it out every once in a while, never could get the hang of it. Put the box away when I moved out and got married at 17 never thought about it again until I decided to buy a 50.00 horse from my stepson some 20 years later and walked into the tack store and had the "Holy **** that **** is ********** expensive moment" and so I went home and found a few latigo belts that I had lying around from work and cut them up and made me some bridles and redid the leathers on an old saddle I bought and have been hooked eversince. Got the kit from my mom and started tooling met a few leather people bought a whole bunch of tools and then got divorced. X sold my WHOLE leather shop for 50.00 at a yard sale and it has taken me almost five years to get back half of what I had before, But thanks to this site I find inspiration and Love the people on here. Peace Bryan
  20. There is a good tutorial on youtube called "molding a custom seat " it is really informative and I beilieve it was done by a member of he forum Peace and Love Bryan
  21. UHHHH Critique what Bob. I think you should just tell us what part of perfection YOU think is wrong with it and then the rest of us will try our best to do half as good as that. I bow to you sir. :notworthy: :notworthy: . I truly am not worthy. Peace and Love Bryan
  22. It's the sheridan heart that used to be on tandy, I can't remember who's it is but I think its Jim Linnels iI have it to. Looks great B
  23. Hey Bob don't know if anyone welcomed you so WELCOME, as far as Weavers is concerned I personnally will have nothing to do with them. Yes this is a personnal choice,. But when I was in the same boat as you and all the other newcomers i was very frustrated when it came to buying tools etc. and as Weaver is raved on by so many I thought I would try them out, they made me feel as though I shouldn't even be bothering with leatherwork because I probably wouldn't get anywhere unless i was a bonafide business and since I wasn't yet I had no business calling them and quit wasting their time. So for me Tandy gets close to 100% of all my investment money because they really are in business to help the little guy, Yeah you'll here all the BLAH BLAH Tandy is crap stuff on here but until you or any of us are in the position to afford all the high dollar tools then Tandy and all the suppliers that sell the Tandy stuff seem to be the only ones here for us little guys. If you are planning on buying alot of stuff within a year and you have one close to you then I would invest in a wholesale membership because it will save you an ENORMOUS amount of money in the end. Peace and Love Bryan
  24. I"ve been trying to figure this one out to and one thing I have been thinking about is if it thicker and tooled very heavily to rewet it and the put it in place on the form and then put some kind of foam athat would not smash the tooling and then wrap it with a blanket, maybe???? Good luck, Bryan
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