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Everything posted by bkingery

  1. I have a few of the tandy kits for them and it looks to me like the Chaylor-finelli (bad speller) interiors for them are just the same and a little cheaper, i can't say as to quality but every one here thinks they are pretty cool. Good luck B
  2. Very coool, I sent you a p.m. Bryan
  3. Sorry to hear about the arthritis, hope things get better for ya. B.

  4. Howdy and welcome, where in utah are you

  5. It's not JUNK it's ECLECTIC

  6. oh yeah Just saw your a new member WELCOME,WELCOME hope ya know what your in for

  7. Hey I tried that, also unistalled and reinstalled it twice because the first time it quit and then when it di load it just brings up "this webpage cannot be found or has moved"

  8. Hey Miett good to see a fellow mobster on here I LOVE LOVE LOVE this site, hope all is well

  9. I know this is old but everytime i have tried using my stiching awls the thread is always getting cut by the needles unless i prepunch the wholes so I decided that if i'm going to have to punch the dang holes anyway I am just going to handstich everything, I think it looks better anyway, and oh yeah they sell those wood clamps at almost every pawnshop for about ten bucks, thats where i got all mine anyway like I said INGENIOUS, I had ten of them sitting in my garage and never once thought to just put one in a vise, (slapping head while repairing sewing awl size holes in wall)
  10. Any oneelse having troubles with google chrome, mine quit working and wont reload GRRR and ARRGH

    1. Jovial


      If you haven't restarted yet try a CTRL+ALT+DEL and end the process tree for Chrome.exe Sometimes it decides to stop working after hitting a bug.

  11. Nice stuff I dig the rugged look. How do people react when you tell em its Horsehide? Cause I would think alot of people would be turned off by it. B
  12. I'm all in for Vegas

  13. Size ten beads,1 1/4" needle and SHREK hands, what was iI thinking.

  14. Hey there Snap, I was just wondering whatever happened to the whole rollersnap thing, Ingenious. I wpuld really love some info on them, Thanks Bryan

  15. Hey all, I have been on this site for a while now and the stuff I see and read are just amazing and I know that every one that is a member on here feels the same way, But it is discouraging to me that there are so few of us that have actually contributed to the cost and upkeep of it. If it were not for the few there could not be the many. To me this site is priceless in the amount of knowledge that I have aquired (someday when I'm not a chicken maybe I'll actually get to use it all). Some day maybe I'LL be good enough to be an Ambassador . Anyway just my two cents worth but I felt I just had to say something.
  16. Hey, I love your blog but i coouldn't find the tutorial for masks that some were talking about. love your stuff!

  17. Hey where you at in utah

  18. BADHIDE, That clamp is ingenious.
  19. How much, How soon and how long will it take to get here????????
  20. Anet I think everyone here would agree that we want to see some start to finish pics of your stuff you are amazing.

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      I have to make 25 folders with 25 different wild dog pics on it. Will take step by step fotos with those as post it. Will take a while though...

  21. Bestill my heart that is one gorgeous lion

  22. Is that one of those "I did it on purpose ya know" moments, bummer dude.

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      I think it happend to all of us some time haha. i had a few of that myself!! So i defnitely don't do belts anymore!!

  23. Hey All, I was just wondering if any one has or knows where to find a copy of the OLD AL Stohlman Home Study Course. I'm a nut for any of the old books and magazines and I see ads for it in all the old Craftsman and Make it with leather magazines but Tandy doesn't even have any Idea about where it would even be found. I would be willing to pay good money for one because to me it would be priceless. Maybe If I become personal friends with Tony Lair he'll let me take a look at one of his in the vault. Or maybe if enough of us could get together and pester Tandy enough they'll do like a limited edition or something. HOPES and DREAMS Peace and Love and may you all be well. B
  24. I look at all of your stuf and the voice in my head just say's "Someday grasshoppa, someday"

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