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Truely Wet Behind The Ears

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ok so im finally get started on my 1st project (case for my hand made round knife) and i want to know has any one tried using GLYCERINE in their water to case with? if so to what end? I read the post and the PDF on casing by Mr Park (Thank you kind Sir) I have also decided to use VINEGROON to color the case I am going to attempt airbrushing the solution in some areas to see if i can get the effect i want if not then the case will get a bath and be solid black (i hope) i plan to finish it with beeswax 50%, parafin wax 40% and 10% extra virgin olive oil im hoping after reading the forum that i have been following pretty close to the strait and narrow and am on the right path. any and all input will be appreciated! THANKS IN ADVANCE....Stealf.

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I have never heard of anyone using the soap in the casing solution. I use the pro carve and have used the dishwashing soap as well, but I will offer you something. Try it out and report back on here to let us all know how it came out. Good luck on your head knife project......don't forget to post pictures.

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I have certainly added glycerine to the No More Tears Solution for some very hard leather that someone brought over to tool on. On nicer leather I couldn't see much if any of a difference but on those harder leathers (poorly tanned leather or very old leather), I could tell a little (marginal difference) over the No More Tears Solution. In talking with several older saddlemakers there are several that use glycerin in their casing formulas.

There are many that use soap or some form of surfactant to add to their casing solution. Others swear by plain water. Test with your leather and see what works for you in casing.



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Thank you both! i will both try and post pix when completed the idea of the glycerine came to me from my airbrushing hobby as it is a good lubricant and keeps my tip dry to a minimum i am no chemist but i do know it helps with the waters properties as far as surface tension and the like (from what ive read) also the dish soap does the same..who knows?..the leather i am using is what i believe to be 8oz from Zack White i ordered 2 of their scrap bags and was pleasantly suprised by what i recieved there is pleanty of 'practice leather' and enough 6/7oz to do a major project later...it all looks to be really decent veg tan there are more than a few belt blanks only one has a bad spot! anyway im rambling...thanks again!

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