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Can I Get By With Not Sewing Snake Skin Glued To A Strap?

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Hi all,

I'm making a guitar strap to donate to a fund raiser. Tandy kit on sale, I'm a newbie and not skilled at cutting and such yet. I had a white with black markings snake skin, dyed it ox blood red as I did the straps, glued it to the flesh side, buffed all pieces, trimmed, applied neatsfoot oil, and sealed the next day with Angelus satin acrylic.

I used Weldwood gel and the edges look as if they are quite tight. I do have a friend with a heavy duty sewing machine that can stitch it. We tried a similar test piece today. But I like the way it looks without stitches better. Will a guitar strap get the sort of wear that might catch the edge and start to lift?

If I do need to sew it, what type of thread is recommended? Any particular type of stitch better for this? Her machine can do some overlapping zigzag stitches that might hold the edge down better than some straight stitches.

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Yes, you're definitely going to want to stitch it or lace it. Since you have access to a machine, you can do a cool double stitch line that would look good. I'm just starting to learn how to stitch, and not with a machine, so I can't really recommend anything for the thread size.

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Thanks Cyberthrasher,

I'll check further into thread and take it over to her. If I can match the red fairly well I may go for a straight line near the edge.

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If I can match the red fairly well I may go for a straight line near the edge.

The distance of your seam should be approximately equal to the thickness of your project. There are times where that's obviously too far (like doubled up 8 oz leather) but for the most part that's a good guideline.

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I would use polyester thread size 92 with a 20 or 21 needle to stich up on a machine.

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