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Singer 307 G2 - Will Other Singer Feed Dogs + Needle Plates Fit?

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I have a Singer 307 G2 which runs like a dream. I use it for zig zag tacks, some zig zag darning and sewing lighter materials. Great machine with M size bobbins!

The feed dog that came with the machine is pretty wide as it can produce 6mm zig zag stitches.

Interestingly the 307 G2 can accommodative needle plate and feed dog of my old Duerkopp 252 (needle plate it is a bit narrower but it fits) though the needle plate has different screw positions but the 307 G2 has 2 extra screw holes so it works. The Duerkopp 252 is obsolete and accessories are no longer available.

But I know the Duerkopp 252 is pretty much a "clone" of the Singer 107W or 143W.

So I wonder if someone knows if the Duerkopp 252 and singer 143W or 107W are using the same needle plates and feed dogs?

Or is it possible that the 307 G2 is using needle plate and feed dog of some newer models like the Singer 457 (not the domestic of course) or other models?

Looking forward to some input :)

Some pictures with measures:


Edited by Constabulary

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Reminds me of the 20U class feed dogs and needle plate.

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That was my 2nd thought after I did some research but I could use some measures if possible. ;)

I don´t like try and error buying as it annoys me and the dealers.

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