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Dusty Leather

Looking For A Rawhide And Leather Braider For Stampede Strings

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Ok, here is the deal. In all my years in the trades I have never been a braider. I just don't have the patients for it. Further more I am very very particular. I have been using the same guy for my stampede strings for over 20 years. He has retired due to illness and now I am on the hunt for a new artisan. I would rather not be put on a waiting list. Please let me know what it is you can do. I will send email to you of the design specs I am looking for this time as well as pics of specific braid inlays and etc. Thanks

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just wondering if you found a maker yet. sent a pm but didnt add my email, which is monsterfarmspecialties at yahoo dot com. if you send me your specs ill be happy to send you a sample of our work so you can see the high quality work we produce.


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Guest jeff pace

here is my email jeffpace30@hotmail.com send me the specs and i'll send you a sample of my work.

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