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About royalscot

  • Rank
    New Member

Profile Information

  • Location
    Woodstock Ontario
  • Interests
    1812 re-enactment, history, food, fantasy

LW Info

  • Interested in learning about
    19th century footwear
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Hello all, As the title states I am interested in learning how to make 1812 military style brogans. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any inforamtion at all pertaining to this on the internet or any forums I frequent. I have been trying for sometime now to get my hands on some last or old patterns to even try and figure it out for myself but to no avail. Anyone with ANY information or guidance on this subject that would be willing to point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance Jeff
  2. Hello all, I am fairly new to these forums and completely new to the leather working hobby. I am interested in learning how to make 19th Century Footwear...in particular Brogans, Officer Boots and Civilian shoes. I have been having a hard time finding any info on the skills involved with making them. Does anyone have any info at all they can give me, websites, books, dvd's etc...? I'm desperate at this point. Please help me out Regards, Jeff
  3. Hello all, I am interested in learning how to make my own Brogans for 1812 re-enactments. Not just Brogans but all types of 19th century footwear. Anyone know where I might find patterns for such projects? Regards, Jeff
  4. Hello there, I came across your post in the forums and I am interested in learning how to make 19th century footwear. I am a member of an 1812 re-enactment group based in London, On. ( 1st regiment of foot, The Royals Scots) and I frequent several events every year. Please contact me via email at jeff_chesley@rogers.com and we can dicuss this further Regards, Jeff
  5. Hello all, As the title states I am interested in learning how to make Brogans and other 19th century footwear. I am a member of a 1812 Re-enactment group in London Ontario and would love to be able to make my own shoes (brogans). Anyone with any info pertaining to this would be greatly appreciated Regards, Jeff
  6. Hello all, I am new to this forum and I am hoping that someone here can help me. I am interested in learning how to make 19th century footwear...particularily Brogans. Any info you may have pertaining to this would be greatly appreciated. Being a member of a 1812 British Infantry regiment in the re-eanactment community, I figured that being able to make my own brogans would fantastic. I look forward to hearing from some of the leather working veterans here. Regards, Jeff
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