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My First Seat! Questions..

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Im new on this forum and got in to working with leather..

I live in Sweden and leather crafting isnt really huge here so im glad I found this site for a good source of information and questions!

Anyways.. I got in to this because I wanted to make my own seat and got some (i guess) pretty basic questions..

When coloring and sealing a seat I pretty much have to stick with what I can get my hands on here in Sweden, my plan this far is this:

1-Oiling the finished product

2-Color with feibings oil dye

3-seal it with super shene?


5-Finish with super shene?

6-What do I use in this last step?

Is there any need for other conditioning? I know from years on the bike that weather and wearing will take some serious damage to the leather on bikes.

Is super sheen a good choise at all for this matter? (The leather is tooled and i really want a nice finish to it..) I've seen pictures of seats claiming they dont use any shene at all..is that true?

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I don't use super shene. It makes the seat look plastic. Leather is going to wear. If it's taken care of and leather balmed when needed it should be o.k.

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Will leather balm work as a blocker when antiqueing and protect acrylic paint (when used) from bleeding out?

I could get my hands on either some balm or something called aussie wax.

Wich one would be prefered as a color sealer and make a nice looking finish and also give water protection?

Should I just throw away tan-kote, sheene and acrylic resists for saddle purpose?

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You're going to need to use something to block(super shene) for your antique. I don't think leather balm will work for the block out.

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