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Ramblings of a Rambler

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A Day At The Bench Staring Into Space.

My workbench isn't fancy and I feel for the most part a complete beginner so I don't have a wall of tools in front of me. Instead I have a southern facing window that looks out over a suburban horizon. The juniper, trumpet vine, honeysuckle and desert jasmine bushes frame the scene. I envy you basement shop carvers and toolers. Lately I have been considering boarding up that window because on days like yesterday I get nothing done. The sky was punctuated with pregnant rain clouds. The sun highli




...And the rain keeps coming down

It isn't often enough for me that we get rain around here. I am not looking for Seattle constant drizzle mind you. No, what I want is a break from the ever relentless clear skies. Boring sameness day after day and in the summer it is a real oven. So with all this lovely inclement weather I thought is would be nice to sit on the patio and listen to the rain drum away on the tin roof. Just a zen moment, me stitching up the latest project as I enjoy something different. Small problem when I got hom




I Should Start On That...

When I walk into my studio... Ahahahahahahahaha! I love calling the spare bedroom where I keep my leather supplies and do most of my work my studio. Makes me laugh, the pretension of it! Moving on, the first thing I see when I step into the man cave is the book shelf with all the books on saddle making and leather working. Then there is my roll away tool box that I have all my leather tools and and some of the supplies. Scattered amongst all that is this project and that bits for that project. A




Riding In The Shadow Of Giants

What a marvelous weekend this past weekend was and not just because the time I got to spend with my wonderful friend. No, this weekend was a learning weekend. Sunday was a specially arranged class with Rocky Minster and Monday was a class with Tony Laier. Truly a couple of great days to sit with some knowledgeable people and see how they do what they do and pick their brains. I didn't have the $$ for Rocky's class but I did stop and join in on the breakfast and meet Rocky. What a great guy an



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