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Leather Stamps

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Does anyone know how to get a listing on the directory page? Love this site, and would like to become more involved, but I haven't received a reply to my request for this in months. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks



Quality Tools

We are making quality leather stamps and are searching to see what people would like. If there's a stamp you can't find or are looking for, let us know. We'd love to hear from you, and will do our best to provide you with your new favorite leather stamp. Quality, Quality, Quality are three words we stand by and provide in our leather stamps. We'd be more than happy to talk to you about what you like the best in your leather stamps. Please reply to this blog. Hope to hear from you soon. Best Reg



Welker Leather Stamps

Hi fellow leatherworkers, We are now taking orders for custom designed leather stamps! If there is a certain stamp that you can't find anymore, or would like made to you specifications, please let us know. If your favorite design is no longer made by the big manufacturers, we will do our best to create a stamp to your liking. Please contact us through this forum, our send an email through our website at elwelker.com. We'll do our best to fill all requests! Andy Hopkins Welker Leather Stamps



Directory Listing

Hi leather workers, I've been trying to create a directory listing, but when I log on to the page, I am logged out and can't sign back in though I am logged on to the rest of the site. Anyone else having this problem, or know of a solution, please let me know. Thanks, Andy Hopkins Welker Leather Stamps



Welker Custom Handmade Leather Stamps - Now In New Hampshire!

Hey all you New Hampshire and Vermont leatherworkers! We are making hand made leather stamps right here in your area. Thought I'd drop a line and say Hello, and if you are looking for a leather stamp made nearby, we're your solution. Drop a note in this blog, and we'll be glad to go over your request with you! Welker Handmade Leather Stamps, saddle stamps made right in your area. Hope to hear from you!



Leather Stamps

Spreading the word about our new line of Welker Leather Stamps. We are specializing in custom hand made stamps and if there is a stamp you've been searching for, or would like made, please contact us or post to this blog. We'll do our best to have your stamp hand made and shipped as soon as possible. We are seeing few custom makers in the New England area, so if you are looking for a custom maker in New England, let us know. You'll find our quality on par with the best.



Free Shipping Within The U.s., Our Protectorates, And Canada!

With the introduction of our newest Welker Leather Stamp, the No. 998, No. 999 set, we are now offering free shipping within the U.S., our Protectorates, and Canada! Take advantage of these savings, and order a top quality hand made Welker Leather Stamp today!



New Welker Leather Stamps! No. 237, No. 238, Blued Or Non-Blued

Hi, I just added a new album to my gallery featuring our latest the Welker Leather Stamp No. 237, No. 238, blued or non-blued. They're pear shaders slightly smaller than the No. 227, No. 228. Check it out and let me know what you think! Andy Hopkins Welker Leather Stamps



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