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What I'm making steps and disasters!

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Leather Belt Tooling Finished

22-02-15 So I finished the tooling on my leather belt today. I'm pretty happy with the outcome. Next I've got to make the holes for hand stitching. Full belt Shark My initials in a sort of anchor design



Leather Belt Build Continued

11/02/15- Okay so today I made a pattern for the back of the belt onto tracing paper which I then transferred to the leather. I also cut the pattern in with a swivel knife. Here is the design I drew. The water is flowing out a Cuthulu/Zoidberg like sea monster before turning into waves. I transferred the pattern onto the leather. Cut the right side using a swivel knife. Cut the left side. I'm very happy with the pattern and look so far. Sadly that is all I had time to do today. 1



Leather Belt Build

So I recently made a helmet with a wave design on it taken from a famous Japenese painting the 'Great wave of Kanagawa'. After making it I remembered I'd picked up a cool looking rusty belt buckle from Tandy leather store and decided it would make a nice design to use with the buckle. Here is the helmet and wave design: Here is the buckle: So I have made a start. The leather I have at hand was very thin so I decided to double it up, sticking it together to stitch after I have tooled and d



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