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4H musings

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I survived my first meeting last night teaching a small group of kids the art of leather crafting. Four had signed on, but only three showed up, the fourth one being the star player on her team that played last night. Two of the kids have high hopes of learning all they can about leather and last night was their introduction into the leather world. One boy wants to eventually make a gun case for his father and the other boy wants to learn everything so he can make a fur coat out of fox skin. It's sure surprising what high hopes these kids have, I just hope I can keep up with them. Last nights session was learning the history of leather crafting and where leather comes from. Next session we get down and dirty with the pounding and learning what the tools do. Hope this blog entry doesn't bore everyone, but, oh well.

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Not boring at all. Sounds like fun and giving back to our community is a great thing. I have judged several 4H crafts fairs in the leather category, which part of judging involves praising their acomplishments and helping them with areas that they need improvement with. Those kids just loved any and all help they could get and really enjoyed looking at projects I brought for them to see, they were full of questions about how I did certain cuts, tooling or lacing, etc. What a joy working with children, I often would work with the Boy Scouts.


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