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A Day At The Bench Staring Into Space.

My workbench isn't fancy and I feel for the most part a complete beginner so I don't have a wall of tools in front of me. Instead I have a southern facing window that looks out over a suburban horizon. The juniper, trumpet vine, honeysuckle and desert jasmine bushes frame the scene. I envy you basement shop carvers and toolers. Lately I have been considering boarding up that window because on days like yesterday I get nothing done. The sky was punctuated with pregnant rain clouds. The sun highlighting the cotton boll tops and contrasting the gunmetal bottoms. A couple of lizards were out doing push ups on the wall and the green and red flashing hummingbirds filled up on the honeysuckle nectar. Whatever I was doing was forgotten as I sat and stared out into my southwest. Some would say I have a bad case of ADD and they might be right but shoosh when God delivers up a nature show like that I have to watch.

Someday I want to be able to translate these things about the southwest that I love into the leather I work. But it is overwhelming to me to try and imagine how to put those sunsets, the desert thunderstorms into a tiny piece of leather. A tip of the hat to those artists that can and do. Someday those lizards, those birds, that sky will move from my window to my benchtop.


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Amen brother. My shop situation is a little differant being in the garage, it seems I am only productive in the evenings because during the day time when I open the garage doors to let natural light in I suddenly realize it is so nice out and realize there are so many other things that I could be enjoying during our favorite season of the year. All those coming to Arizona to visit the show in Wickenburg will understand our dillema when they get here.


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TT, you have a way with words that I don't have, but you're right about a blog being a reflection of one's inner self. You didn't put it that way in so many words, but I think that's what you meant. When Johanna set up this section on blogs, I think she thought that it would be used like you and I are doing. I've seen other blogs and they are mostly stories about one's life on a day by day basis. Some are boring, while others can be really interesting. Clay B handles his blog like I feel it should be; a little of everything. While this section of blogs is in a leather site, I'll at least say something about leather. Keep posting. Love to hear about your doings.

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Hi, I'm new to the leather workers site and I have a business based out of my home garage right below the Oregon border in northern CA. On days like what you describe it is very hard from me to not push orders aside open up the shop door get on my motorcycle and ride around the county looking to see what baby animals were born since the last time I took a spin all the while taking in the smell of alfalfa in bloom, fresh cut hay and even a few dead things. Living below a 14,50+ ft mountain and in a valley that is a combination of high desert and thick forests that go clear to the coast, I feel pretty darn special and grateful to a craft that has allowed me to not only work from my home but to be able to take a moment or two and reflect like you do on the beauty that surrounds me. I think I'm going to like this site! :thumbsup:

Nanci Rogers


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This is my first blog posting ever! Why I'm here, I know not. My bench is off my living room in the so called den. All visitors have to deal with my leather idiosycracies. I have natural light from a south facing window and look out to my back yard where my three horses along with deer, occaisional elk, bobcat and other critters make their way. During my "leather time" my problem tends to be my cats (I have a bunch), who seem to want all their love and affection while I'm in the midst of my project. I think they know when I'm feeling good and want to enhance that in their own way. Makes me smile no matter what. Happy day. AppyGal

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