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Ground Seat - Gullet Cover

So on Saturday I got the ground seat for this rig started - I use an all leather ground seat based off of the tutorial provided by Steve Brewer in the saddle construction forum on this website.. I like the all leather for the simple reason that it gives me a lot of flexibility - Especially for an amateur maker - If you don't like how things are feeling you can skive away more leather.

On this one I still need to install the final cover piece, however want to make sure I am good and happy with the fundamental shape I have before I go too far. It's feeling good so far.

I'm actually amazed at how much easier this seems on the second go around - I'm doing a lot less second guessing myself and I have patterns all made up - Makes it a lot faster and more enjoyable.

Here are some pics:

Gs 01

Gs 02

Gs 03

Anyhow, If anyone has advice let me know. Ground seat shape is a bit subjective I suppose. I like a seat that doesn't plant me against the cantle - I want to sit fairly centered, but I still like some rise to the ground seat up front. I also like a slick seat - Nothing worse than 'grippy' feeling in a saddle seat in my opinion...I used some saddle paste on my first saddle this summer and it made that seat really tacky - Drove me crazy until it shined up. Guess thats why I'm unlikely to build a rough out or half breed although I think they look awesome.

Anyhow, next step is final ground seat cover piece and cantle back. This one has a cheyenne roll going in and the cantle back piece will be tooled. Still have to work up a tooling pattern for it though.



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It's looking good Ron. I should have one finished in a week or so. I will post some photos in the gallery when I finish it.


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