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Tooling Skirts & Cantle Filler

Last night I tooled up one of the skirts - Just a simple border pattern set 3/4" in from the outside edge.

skirts 01

Here it is sitting under the rig...

skirts 02

And then I cut out the cantle filler / cheyenne roll stiffener...It's out of 10oz Hermann Oak - and skived to a feather edge where it fades into the seat.

cantle filler 01

cantle filler 02

Once the barge is dried up solid i'll really wet down the outside edge and pull and glue it down onto the single ply that is the start of the cheyenne roll.

Once that's done I'll start the seat fitting process...i'm still apprehensive of seat fitting - It's probably the trickiest thing to get right - The ear cuts require a fair bit of careful attention. Thankfully Jeremiah Watt has a really good section in his DVD series going over seat fit - So that definitely helps.



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Your swell cover looks good. I know that was one area you wanted to improve and you sure accomplished the goal. I like your tooling as well. You have a good style.

I have struggled with the ear cuts. I finally got them cut right (at least good enough) the first time on my current saddle. Good luck with the seat. I know it is stressful.


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Thanks for the kind words Randy...

My only concern with this swell cover is that I really pounded it in with a flat faced hammer (over a protective leather)...despite the protective leather it still left some subtle 'hammer tracks'...I am going to tool the swell but next time i'm going to be a little more discreet with the use of a hammer...

Overall though the swell is better than the first one! Still want to get the third one better than this though!

How is your third saddle coming Randy? Sure would like to see it!


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