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From the PittPounder's Newsletter:

Here is an opportunity to learn from an Al Stohlman Award winner, an accomplished artist and an excellent teacher. Paul is willing to come here and teach an all day class, how to tool & paint a Kestrel, IF there are at least 10 of us willing to take the class. The tentative date is Saturday, October 25th. The cost of $70 also includes detailed written instructions for the Kestrel, which are better and more explanatory than the Ram instructions from Paul’s last class here. Talk about opportunities to learn from one of today’s Masters!! If you are interested please let me know ASAP. There is a limit of 12 people for the class and you do not need to be a member of this guild to participate. Enrolment will be on a first come first serve basis. We need to know by the end of this month if we have enough people so that all the arrangements can be finalized. So again, please let me know ASAP if you are interested.

For more info see the Pittpounder's website.

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