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Pendleton Leather Show


Community Calendar

Event details

The show consists of a Trade Show and Classes.  The vendors you will see at the show travel from all over the Western US and are specifially related to the leather crafting industry.  The vendors are the backbone of our show and will display a diverse selection of goods such as leather, hardware, saddle trees, stirrups, fancy conchos, stamping tools, saddlery tools, bootmaking supplies, glue, conditioners, dyes and much more, all available for purchase.  The classes feature a wide-range of subject matter with literally something for everyone.  The instructors are all dedicated to teaching their craft and for students to come away with new skills and confidence.

Throughout the weekend there will be drawing to win "Leather Dollars."  The Leather Dollars are $100 vouchers that can be spent with any vendor at the trade show.  Everyone who registers when entering the Trade Show and all students taking any class will be eligible for the Leather Dollars drawings.  We will be giving away a total of $1000 throughout the show Friday & Saturday. You MUST be present to win Leather Dollars.


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