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Dimensions in Leather


Community Calendar

Event details

"Dimensions in Leather Conference" hosted by the Leathercrafters Association of Queensland Inc. This event is to be held in Brisbane from Saturday 27 June to Sunday 5 July 2020.

This is the Fourteenth Conference since 1994. Dimensions has grown over the years with enormous success, providing a creative atmosphere in which leather artisans can learn.

The main aims of presenting this event are to promote leather in its many forms, share information, techniques and skills, and further the interest in leather.

An invitation is extended to you to enjoy six days of exciting leather workshops, suitable for both the beginner and advanced student interested in furthering their knowledge of leathercraft/art, where you can receive hands-on instructions from professional international and Australian tutors, meet other leathercrafters and enjoy the camaraderie.

You are assured of an educational and enjoyable week in which to meet old friends and have the opportunity to make many new ones who share a common interest.

This is a fabulous opportunity for leather artisans to follow their passion and attend a variety of exciting workshops.

The week involves more than workshops, this year the trade show is extended to five days,which is open to the public.

For more info click here


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