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World Leather Debut/ Rocky Mt. Leather Tradeshow


Community Calendar

The World Leather Debut is a special event for leatherworkers worldwide. Makers of any skill level are invited to enter their work and compete for cash prizes and awards in one or more of seventeen categories, two of which are designed just for youth. The entries are arranged in a gallery setting for the public to tour over a two day span during the Rocky Mountain Leather Trade Show.

The show is sponsored by Charil Reis and Ralph Solome, Jr. of the Leathercrafters and Saddlers Journal

A leather-working bi-monthly with how-to, step-by-step instructional articles using full-size patterns for leathercraft, leather art, custom saddle, boot and harness making, etc. A large resource for leather, tools, machinery and allied materials plus leather industry news.

Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal
PO Box 673
Rhinelander, WI 54501



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