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8 Bight 9 Part Pineapple- Need Help

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Hi, i ve started braiding and i´ve got some books from bruce grant and woolery... in this books is a heel knot only as a 6bight, 7 part pineapple (2 and 3 pass). i do understand how i can do a 8 bight, 9 part with 2 pass but now i wanna know how i can expand them to a 3 pass???

please gimme some support how i can do this and how i can expand with some interwaves in differend collors ( i mean 1 or 2 srands only in the middle)


Micha el Karacho

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Over at youtube you can find a good little video on that.

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Thanks Knothead- That was exactly what i was searching for!!! - GREAT ;-)

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i´ve seen, that the Video tutorial is for a 6 bight and not for a 8 bight, 9 part pineapple- so i still need support!!! ;-)

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If you can expand a 4 bight to a 6 bight you should be able to increase a 6 to a 8 or a 10, 12, 14...

It just gets a little harder to keep track of where you are at. I never could really adapt to different sizes of the same knot until the little light went on inside my head and I understood what I was doing vs following a cook book. I am afraid that might not be as much help as you want but if that light comes on you will get it no problem.


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Hi Mike,

thanks for your Post,

what i do not understand is, that with the 6 bight i go O2,U2,O2...up to finish with O3,U3,O3...

when i have an 6 bight and wanna do the 3pass, i can not go O2,U2,O2, because there are a few strings left? how is the pattern and do i have to cross U3x and U5x on the ends???

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Mike, you are right, i worked on the knot a few hours yesterday and now i got it. its just the same as it is on the 6 bight... the key is -to make no mistakes!! ;-)

i used a differend color for the second string and so it was easyer for me to follow in the right order...

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Mike, you are right, i worked on the knot a few hours yesterday and now i got it. its just the same as it is on the 6 bight... the key is -to make no mistakes!! ;-)

i used a differend color for the second string and so it was easyer for me to follow in the right order...

Yes, a second color is a big help on multiple interweaves. I kept getting lost one time and didn't have any different color string so I colored it with a sharpie. :) I figured it would rub off but it actual stayed colored. Faded a bit though.

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Posted (edited)

Hi Mike,

thanks for your Post,

what i do not understand is, that with the 6 bight i go O2,U2,O2...up to finish with O3,U3,O3...

when i have an 6 bight and wanna do the 3pass, i can not go O2,U2,O2, because there are a few strings left? how is the pattern and do i have to cross U3x and U5x on the ends???

Bud Brewer gave us these Os & Us:

I don?t know anything about types, an I definitely don?t know anything about the math of these things. Long ago I sat down an figured out the way the passes go under an wrote it down. Lost it an so, redid it again. I think it is correct. Maybe this will help with the knots


2 pass ? first pass under 2 at the top, under 2 at the bottom. There after, under 3 both top and bottom. (basic pineapple)

3 pass ? first pass under 2 at top, under 4 at bottom. There after under 3 at top and under 5 at bottom

4 pass ? first pass under 2 at top, under 6 at bottom. There after under 3 at top and under 7 at bottom

5 pass ? first pass under 2 at top, under 8 at bottom. There after under 3 at top and under 9 at bottom

6 pass ? first pass under 2 at top, under 10 at bottom. There after under 3 at top and under 11 at bottom




Hope it helps.

Edited by skyout
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2 pass ? first pass under 2 at the top, under 2 at the bottom. There after, under 3 both top and bottom. (basic pineapple)

3 pass ? first pass under 2 at top, under 4 at bottom. There after under 3 at top and under 5 at bottom

4 pass ? first pass under 2 at top, under 6 at bottom. There after under 3 at top and under 7 at bottom

5 pass ? first pass under 2 at top, under 8 at bottom. There after under 3 at top and under 9 at bottom

6 pass ? first pass under 2 at top, under 10 at bottom. There after under 3 at top and under 11 at bottom

Great- that helps a lot...

thank you!!!!

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Glad it helped.

I really like pineapples and some of the variations you can get with them.

Here's a few variations Barry Brown made.



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Posted (edited)

...how i can expand with some interwaves in differend collors ( i mean 1 or 2 srands only in the middle)


Micha el Karacho

Here's one way I came up with to expand the colors in a PK. This was with a 7x6 base TH, but it will work with a 9x8 as well.

A co-worker asked for a 4 color key fob. He wanted mostly navy and light blue colors, but he wanted a little red and a little white thrown in (the colors are for the Tennessee Titans).

This is what I came up with. Navy blue is a 7part x 6bright TH and the light blue 5part x 6bright is the interweave. Then I put in two variations, both with 3 brights, one with white and one with red. A 4 strand braid with a 3/4" wooden core. Line is about 1/16" nylon.



For members wanting to learn the 2 pass, CitizenKate was kind enough to include on Leatherworker a tutorial I made for the 16 part x 16 bright 2 pass, Type 1 Pineapple Knot. This one is from a base 9px8b Turks Head with a 7px8b Turk's Head interweave, which gives 3 zigzags in the finished knot.

My link

Edited by skyout
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I love all the buttons! You know there has been times when I played with a pineapple button too, but I can't leave all the parallels! I found myself going back and splitting them. For the same reason I rarely make a long gaucho or one with an extra pass. Silly I know, but it's stuck in my head to split those parallels.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks entiendo,

The ones Barry did were from ones he'd seen on horse gear: http://www.hought.com/tbcols1b.html

His web page has a tutorial for this beautiful knot:


This next one is a 16p X 16b 2 pass, Type 1 using the base 9p X 8b Turks Head with a little variation thrown in.

You can click the link to the tutorial I made for the 16p X 16b 2 pass, Type 1 PK in my prior post:

I first saw this PK variation at the Tandy store here in Orlando. It was tied in leather and was on the end of a rubber hammer/maul. So I gave it a shot, skipped one of the "overs" in the center interweave to get the slashes (\\\\\) instead of the \/s (\/\/\/\/\/).

Small VB cord over a 3/4" wooden core with a 4 strand sq sennit loop and a Matthew Walker at the end. The brown was a little smaller than the white so I doubled the brown and left the white single. Being different sizes really messes the sennit for the loop up, too.

AND this was my first MW knot in small stuff!


Edited by skyout
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thanks for the links skyout...off to give it a try......

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thanks for the links skyout...off to give it a try......

It was my pleasure Tracy! Any questions you have just ask away and I'll do my best to answer. Post a pic for us, too!



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Oh boy, I love the way the rings are covered. Couldn't get to the instructions. I

Love the bosel set too, I've been looking at that since I started braiding.

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Posted (edited)

There's also Barry's tut over at KHWW.net. I had no problem getting on his site???? Sorry it didn't work for you.

You could try this one, too.

Ignore the fish pictures. lol


Edited by skyout
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Posted (edited)

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE....his Ditty bags! They are wonderful!!!!

When I grow up I wanna be like him. LOL He does flawless work.

Barry showed us and talked about the ring covering here (starts at post# 108 and goes to #122):


From the Ashley's Book of Knots





Edited by skyout
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I don't blame you for wanting to be like him! I want to too! I'm even considering nylon, which I've never done before because I never thought it looked very nice. I'm sure it's much more difficult to make it that nice though. I'm under no illusions, kangaroo is part of the reason why my braiding looks good.

Thanks for the instructions. I have a commissioned bridle I need to make and I'd like to try that out with the rings.

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Some of those pineapple variations are absolutely beautiful. Love them.

Makes me want to go home and play with a few ideas. but the pub is still more interesting right now.


  • 7 months later...
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Posted (edited)

Here's another 16p X 16b 2 pass, Type 1 Pineapple Knot using the base 9p X 8b Turks Head with a little variation thrown in similar to the brown and white one shown on the first page of this thread, except this one uses gutted Cross Lace cord. Link to Cross Lace cord.


Definite Purpose vs Haphazard Randomness


A 4 strand sq sennit with a 6 strand Mathew Walker on top and an 8 strand MW on bottom.

Edited by skyout
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Posted (edited)

Well, I've been really busy with a new grandson arriving Easter afternoon but I've been planning this one for a while. Red, white and blue gutted Cross Lace 16p x 16b, 3 pass, type 1 Pineapple Knot with a pattern variation. The second and third passes are only 4 bights each and don't follow the PK "rules" of splitting pairs. This is to correct the uneven leg lengths created from using two colors. When sticking with the "rules", one leg of the ^ is 2 cord widths long and the other is 3 cord widths long and creates a lopsided look to the ^. The ^'s still have different lengths, 2 cord widths for the white line and 3 for the red line but the ^'s are even, or consistent sizes for each color now.

I used a 3 strand alternate crown sennit of gutted Cross Lace set into a 3/8" SS thimble with six strand Mathew Walkers on top and bottom. It has a 3/4" wooden core that I drilled a 1/4" hole through to accommodate the 6 strands passing through it.


Here's the PK variation that still follows the "split the pairs" rule. I still have to finish cutting the lines w/wood burning tool and tuck them under, but you should be able to see the difference in the two. The alternate crown sennit and Mathew Walkers on this one have the core still in the lines but the PK is gutted.


Photos of the two side by side. The one on the left follows the split the pair rule while the one on the right ignores this rule.



Edited by skyout

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