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    Wallets, Miscellaneous Items, Pattern Making, Leathercraft Business Management

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    Pattern Making
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    Leathercraft Business Management
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    YouTube and Nigel Armitage

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  1. Yes! Actually I did get someone asking about them as a Christmas ornament. Might be an angle worth exploring, making them slightly larger. And hanging from the rear view mirror in a car or at the work desk is a perfect place for them.
  2. Thank you very much. No I didn't, it's thick enough that I'm not too worried about it breaking. I could definitely add a small wire around the blade end for support in future iterations if it does become a problem.
  3. Thank you, I appreciate it.
  4. Hello! I made some miniature leathercaft tool keychans/charms. They're crafted from polymer clay and glazed for a nice finish. My partner recently got into clay work and so I though "what the heck." These were born and I am actually quite pleased. They're on there with my keys as a type this, and I'm normally not the keychain type. I even made a set of maul earrings for a woman who saw the minis on Facebook and loved them. I decided I would throw them up for sale on my new site if anyone wants to check out more photos, but that's not the purpose of the post, only because lots of people have been asking if I sell them. I just think they're neat! Mini Leathercraft Tool Keychains
  5. Hello, everyone! This is my first post on the site. I'm happy to be here and look forward to connect with some of you and checking out all of your work. Here is the most recent walled I've completed for a YouTube video. It's got some issues but I'm happy with it overall. The pocket assemblies are a bit divisive - some hate them, other love them. Not everyone likes the thumb slot, and while I've seen that interesting pocket style on the right a lot lately, I think this project has scratched my itch to try it. What do you think?
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