Yes I am realizing all the things you just mentioned, but it doesn't discourage me at all! I have always loved the process of creating. My main hobby has always been cooking and I love putting in the extra effort of making everything from scratch and enjoying the process. It is simply that I have not had much experience with leather yet to fully appreciate the labor involved. As I watch videos online to see how things are made and to learn proper techniques, I do realize that they are not showing the entire process and they are making it seem "perfect" and easy. What they don't show are the things I am asking about and how to overcome them. So I am so glad that this forum exists for me to have a platform to soak in the knownledge from others who have already gone through some of these learning hurdles.
As far as the tools, I just wanted to make sure I was not shooting myself in the foot so to speak by buying the cheapest tools to try out leatherworking. So many times in other projects when I would try cheaper tools it would make the job miserable.
Thank you so much for the great information and tips.