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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    I am just beginning the art. I am currently making wallets, belts and bags. I would like to be able to grow and produce needed/useful items for my family, loved ones, and my community.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    I found this site via Google.

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  1. Constabulary, I did not find an e-mail from you. pond.amy17 (at) gmail (.) com Is this where you sent it?
  2. Glenn, here is a picture of my bobbin winder. I think it is stored on the back so it doesn't get in the way. I did find where it goes, directly under the hand crank. I don't think I'm missing anything. But idk for sure.-Amy
  3. Good morning I also am looking for a service manual for my Adler 30-70 shoe stitcher. I can not seem to get the bobbin wound correc. It seems that I may be missing one or more parts? Can someone please help??
  4. No, unfortunately it did not help. My machine looks different.
  5. I'll check it out, thank you!!
  6. I am trying to get acquainted with my Adler 70-30. I can not figure out how to wind a bobbin!! Please help!!??
  7. Dear Trox: I recently acquired an Adler 70-30 leather stitcher. I have been getting acquainted with this beautiful machine, to my best ability. However, I can not seem to figure out how to wind a bobin! Please help!? Thank you, Amy.
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