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Everything posted by GingerPowered

  1. Thank you, I've not used anything other then Angelus but I am gonna try others. I do have resolene , I've used it before but for touch ups. For sealing an entire bag, should I use the sealant Angelus makes or resolene? Not sure if there's a difference other then sheen
  2. Thank you, I'm using acrylics on leather handbags.... I've only ever used Angelus paints for fear that anything less would create a less then perfect result. But I've not tried other kinds of paints though so I appreciate that
  3. Thank you! I didn't see it necessary to spent so much on cleaner, I knew you all did something that was easy yet effective. I will get a magnet tray, that's great advice thank you
  4. just got my airbrush kit in! I appreciate all the advice I've gotten here. I know I have lots of practice ahead of me. You all have been so amazing! Follow up questions...Are polishing needles really necessary? I've gotten contradicting info on that. Cleaning solution, what do you all use or Make your own?
  5. Thank you for the advice. I am spraying paint not dye, not sure if it matters but wants to clarify. I did assume that I will purchase a good gun after I get the hang of it. I have seen many people reference this brand so I'm sure I'll be back when I'm ready to pick more brains. I don't know if I need to thin this paint, I have seen contradicting advice. That and a filter? I feel like I have endless questions but I guess that's expecting when learning something new
  6. Thank you, I had no idea what the difference was lol I have a lot of learning to do. I did end up buying the one from my link only because HF didn't have any near me. I have no idea how to do any of this so I'm flying blind but I'm sure I'll learn. My biggest obstacle is matching paint, that I think is going to be my undoing. But if I can nail airbrushing bags, this will seriously change my small business so I'm really hoping I can do this. You all have been so helpful and I'm grateful!
  7. Thank you, yes I have all Angelus paints, I have to match very specific colors of handbags. I've been trying for 2 years and I simply cannot match them exactly, I'll get in the vacinity of the right color lol. I have 0 and I mean 0 artistic abilities so I think I'm shooting too high here. I continue to try, I'm not one to quit but this seriously is driving me insane. Thank you... I'll check out my local HF first see if they have any in stock, I'm kinda in the middle of nowhere so I'll see if I get lucky. Thank you
  8. Thank you, I think I will take that advice.. may I ask your opinion of this kit please https://a.co/d/ic22YF1
  9. Well since you said that....I got more... how the hell do I even begin to figure out how to match leather paint to what I'm painting?. I've been struggling with this for years!. I can never match the color, I'm about to hire someone because it's driving me insane. Any advice?
  10. Hahaha! That's funny...Thank you very much, I think the biggest issue with the tape is the flexibility of the surface so I was looking for a liquid mask but that's a no go. The trim on some of these bags is such a tight squeeze but I will definitely take your advice and I appreciate your help.
  11. Thank you! That's all super helpful info! I already expected to spend that much but my big decision was between the portable and tank models, since I know nothing about them I am conflicted as to which works best. I know it will take time for me to hone this skill because I have 0 artist abilities so if buying a better piece of equipment can help me not suck so much I'm all for it lol. The convenience of no hoses is enticing but I don't know what's better suited for this kind of thing. I really appreciate your insight and advice
  12. Thank you, I saw them but my husband thinks they wouldn't provide even coverage something about the lower psi. You don't have issues with it? Mostly I'll be spraying Pebbled Leather and I know I have to practice, a lot . Frog tape? I initially used blue painters tape but it bled because it wouldn't adhere properly to the curve of the leather. Maybe it was the brand, I can try again. Thank you for your advice
  13. I know this thread is old but I just started doing research about airbrush kits and some of you are so knowledgeable I really hope I can get some advice. I want to spray Angelus leather paints on handbags. I restore handbags and have a very small business and want to go to the next level. I Have a few bags that need a total restore and I want to try my hand at airbrushing since painting by hand doesn't look great on large areas. I know absolutely nothing about airbrushing so I'm reading up all I can and want to purchase the right kit so I can practice. Any suggestions on a kit? I assume Angelus paints have to be thinned? I know they sell thinners. Suggestions on what to use for masking? There's lots of curves and small pieces on leather bags so I tried to find a liquid masker but the only one I found did not do a good job. Sorry for all the questions, I really appreciate any advice.
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