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  1. Thank you for the insight. Makes sense and I was wondering why people would use denatured alcohol at all if it performed the same yet cost more when I looked at the price. The brand I found said it was fuel and specifically said it wasn't to be used for thinning which worried me a little, on top of costing more per gallon.
  2. I have searched and I haven't really found any side by side comparisons. I generally see people use one or the other but not comparing if there is a difference between them. See what I mean? After a few days of searching I think I have searched enough to start asking at this point. I am not being lazy if that is what you are suggesting.
  3. Oh, I know it works, my question was how is it different than isopropyl alcohol which I am currently using and also works.
  4. Has anyone compared denatured alcohol and isopropyl alcohol for thinning dyes and deglazing/surface prep? I am almost out of isopropyl alcohol and before I get more, am I missing out by not using denatured alcohol? Is it worth switching to something that has been intentionally made toxic and a little more inconvenient to get (for my situation) over isopropyl alcohol?
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