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Everything posted by columbo

  1. Yeah. I placed a washer around the post of the handle and then put the blade into the hole. it served as a spacer per se. Still, I'll order the "right stuff". as a sidebar, how do you sharpen these blades when they get dull? What is the bottom suppose to look like after it's sharp?
  2. Man, I can't catch a break! went ahead and ordered Tandy Blade for handle. Got it in and ....It's too small for the handle hole!. Are there small and big ones? Geez! I'm just gonna order the whole thing. Picture shows the difference of the two blades.
  3. I tend to believe that is just what happened. Looking at other blades, it appears that the bottom side of the hole does the cutting. This one is ground flat. Probably from the factory. Anyway, I am currently awaiting another blade, this time from Tandy. It will fit the handle. Once I get a bit better at my work, I'll buy some good tools.Thanks everyone for the help. That's what I like about this site, ya'll are just plain friendly!
  4. Yeah, the pictures are terrible, but what I see in other pics and supply catalogs appears that the blade itself is miss shaped. There is no way the hole is big enough and can act as a blade. So, since the tool was given to me and I don't have a lot invested in it, I will purchase another from a trustworthy source. Figure that should be the lesson of the day and not how to use it. Buy good stuff, as my daughter said.... Thanks guys for the help.
  5. I'm not sure of anything anymore... These are the best I could do.
  6. I have read about the ..." to groove or not to groove"... topic but I was wondering if there is a video of someone actually doing it. I'm new and can't seem to get this right. I don't think I'm an idiot, but what idiot really does. Every time I try to hand groove, I get a sloppy channel too wide for what I have seen you guys get. And in pictures I have seen during grooving, there appears to be a neat little curly cew of leather being taken out. I don't get this. Point this idiot.....eeerr... newbie in the right direction please!
  7. I got the idea, thanks to all. This is a great forum and you guys are refreshingly friendly. ya'll all offer great advise and don't judge.
  8. from time to time, I have noticed that some of you'all talk of presses and pads. From the context, I take it you are speaking of some sort of press that helps with moulding instead of doing it my hand. Could someone take some time and show me what these look like and where you got it/made it??? I have read a lot from the forum and am learning a lot. Thanks for all your help. also, where would you get kydex for paddles?
  9. I am just getting started in holster making and would like to find a starter machine. I live in the Central Louisiana area and can travel texas okla ark miss no problem. By starter machine I mean.....not a billion bucks! advice and or direct appreciated.
  10. I am new here and have gained alot of info from you guys. My 1st question on this forum is about stitching machines.I am looking to break into a machine and need some advise on what to look for. I'm not doing this professionally yet, but have gotten some interest. Wife says I can't break the bank. What are some ideas? thanks for all the threads ya'll contribute to.
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