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  1. Thanks Dwight, I did read it through and did again now. You know what they say, sometimes it takes seven times or seven different ways. And sometimes it just takes a while for a circuit to light up from all the corrosion on the wiring. Anyhow, I appreciate the content here and if I don't cut both my thumbs off and make a monstrosity after ruining yards of good leather I'll post back with what I did. And thanks again chuck123wapati for the sidebar tips, I'm slow but I eventually there
  2. So, jumping in from nowhere, I'm trying to fill a gap by molding an M1 cheek piece to my M14 with iron sights because I just don't get a 'good fit'. It almost feels like it's there, but I don't have the skills to make something and I don't think what I'm doing is going to end up being what I want. In searching randomly online I found this tread and figured I'd take a shot and see if someone with skills and made this work: Simple right-handed, nice leather (I love the vintage look and feel of my M14) doesn't require I drill the stock (preferably) 'gap piece': No scope, just fit. So I was trying to find a connect to chuck123wapati to if he had advanced the pattern I think he was playing with into something I could buy. Anyhow let me see if tossing this post out into the universe gets me anywhere - zoop, off it goes.
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