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    Everything leather

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    Leather carving mostly leather products for motorcycles
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    Singer, 29K 72
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  1. I'm sorry you guys can ignore me. I'm getting to know the site I'm new didn't mean to kind of drop in on your post there. I created a topic about my question. I'm learning lol
  2. Found singer, sewing machines 29K 72 and 29K 51 for sale the 72 they're telling me the wheel turns not really easy the 51 she says turns a lot easier growing I've seen so far they look intact the 51 Looks like it's missing a wheel on the front 72 has a motor, but it needs new belts and it doesn't turn easy at the moment. was wondering, what a good offer I should make for them both in a package so both parties are happy.
  3. I meant they both will need serviced. Sorry about the tables. I'm guessing they will need service. Mainly wondering what I should offer for both both of them give them a fair price for what they are in the condition they're in.
  4. Someone I know has a singer 29K 72. The wheel does not turn easy looks dirty. Will need a hole going through and they have a singer29K 51 the wheel on that one turns easy look dirty no need serviced. I'd like to know what a reasonable offer would be for both of them a package deal to buy from them.
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