Have you sold the Luberto #9.
I an in Western NC and can come get it.
Will it sew through 5/8" thick multiple stacked pieces of leather?
If you don't mind, give me a call or send you number.
Bob 828-773-3952
Looking for a strap cutter. Manual or motorized. Table top OK but will consider larger.
Please call or text: Bob 828-773-3952
Will pickup in the Southeast US but will consider anywhere in the US.
Looking for a Cobra Class 26 Cylindrical machine. Would love to find something in the Southeast US but most anywhere would be fine.
Please let me know if you have one for sale. Bob 828-773-3952
Duck Creek Traders offered at one time an embossing wheel with a Thunderbird Indian Design. I have not been able to find this.
Any information would be helpful.
Thanks, Bob
A friend of mine has these two antique machines. She knows nothing about them. Is there someone that can tell me what these were meant to do? She thinks her husband used them
for leatherwork. Do they have any value? I have researched the company name and they may be related to shoe making.
Bob Hodgin
Western North Carolina
I am willing to travel for a good informative class. I know you can't learn everything in a week or so but just need to get started. I guess I am paranoid of messing up my machine.