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Everything posted by naturedog

  1. So I just ordered some of the edging ink from Campbell Bosworth and it should be here tomorrow. From what they said this might be what I am looking for. Thanks so much for your help with this. I hope that this is what I will need to make my edges look nice and uniform. Your key chains are really nice. Do you sell them anywhere or are they just for fun?? marchelle
  2. Thanks for the info. I have a lot of searching to do I guess. It is just strange because it actually looks almost like a rubber/plastic substance. You can't even make an indentation in it. Here is the full picture. I wish that I could say that I made it on my own but it was a gift from someone who got it from Coach in LA. It is a good idea though if someone could use the concept for their own key chains
  3. I have a business making dog collars with semi-precious stones and the last process is to glue two pieces of leather together ( basically a leather backing) so that the rim settings do not show through the back side. I am looking for a thick edging that I can put on the sides of my collars so that they look kind of like one piece. They need to be water resistant and tough enough to be on dogs. I have a leather key chain (see picture) that has the edging that I am wanting but I can't seem to locate anything that is thick enough. I have tried various edging materials but they tend to be too thin. If anybody has any ideas on what I could use I would be so happy.
  4. Naturedog.net We recently started a small home business making custom leather dog collars from scratch. We have been buying most of our leather supplies through Tandy, and have been pretty happy with the results so far. We start from plain cow hides then die them, cut strips, and then embellish them with hand shaped cabochons such as turquoise and Malachite. We just purchased an industrial strap cutter and sewing machine to expedite the process. We are based out of Colorado and have been selling locally through word of mouth. We just launched our website, where you can now order our semi-precious stones and gem collars. You can see our products at www.Naturedog.net , We really appreciate the advice we have received on this forum and look forward to many more postings. Feel free to comment or visit us online. Hopefully, with our new business and pending trademarks and patents, Nature Dog will take off soon.
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