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About Cliffy

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    cue case building
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    BB discussion on AZ Billiards
  1. ST Leather has Neat Lac in quarts that has their private label on it. Since I am not a chemist, I can't be sure if its exactly the same stuff, but it sure smells the same and goes on the same way. I would assume the original manufacturer that made it for Tandy is private labeling it for leather distributors. Neat Lac spray in cans is still available from Zack White as well, and it is the real Tandy packaging So there is still hope for us that like to do it "old school", no need to go with this treehugger stuff they"ve been ramming down our throats Clif<<<<<<<<<hates Eco Flo------long live spirit dyes and Antique pastes
  2. Long live Old School.........the day I have to stop using tried and true traditional finishes like Fiebing's antique paste and spirit dyes and go with the tree-hugger stuff like Eco-Flow, is the day I lay down my tools forever. Neat Lac is still available too. It takes a lot of digging, but quarts still can be found through suppliers. For how long.........dunno!
  3. Bob Without doubt some of the finest tooling I have ever seen. I was planning a sojourn to Sheridan to see the hotbed of this type of carving. Turns out, perhaps the ultimate is right here in my own back yard. I live in Peoria BTW I have not picked up a swivel knife and my Dad's tools in over 32 years. While I was proud of my first effort back at the tooling bench, after seeing some of your stellar work, I want to put my marbles in a bag and leave the playground........LOL. I would truly love an audience with a master such as yourself, so that I may continually improve, as leather carving is so soothing to me during these stressful times. Beer or coffee is on me -Clif Watkins watk69@aol.com
  4. looking for Leather Secrets and Design Artistry just sitting aroung collecting dust on shelves. I will pay fair amount for these treasures Clif watk69@aol.com
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