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Posts posted by woodenit

  1. I only have one word of warning....Harley Davidson.....They WILL prosecute and Will win! So I hope you did that beautiful piece for your self OR just lent it to someone after you borrowed some money from that person. We're in the Custom Embroidery and leatherwork business and we know from where we speak. You can't SELL anything with their logo or name....but you can lend a personal piece out....heh,heh

    Beautiful work, by the way

  2. In either a prefashioned form (like the Tandy kits, but without the top leather) or in the form of patterns to construct the interior from lining leather. Ideally, i'd like to find a manufacturer that makes quality interiors in different styles... but i'm beginning to think such a business/product does not exist. So i'd love a dependable pattern for wallet insides... at least 3 card pockets. Trifold, Bifold, Roper style... whatever you got!

    Thanks everyone!

    Oh, and if anyone's got a line drawing of a horse in profile just 'hanging' around, i'd be delighted if you passed that on too. I have a custom journal order coming up, i'm at the design phase and just can't find the right image... three quarter profile, maybe? The last journal i did was a Wolf pattern... i'll post a pic or two.

    Try Chaylor and Fenneli Pty Ltd. in Australia

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