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Everything posted by Grammaton

  1. If I understand what you're saying, the leather is too thick? Or is the corner too sharp? Did you try skiving the edges? You could try cutting the corner with a larger radius. This is if you want to maintain the round braid. I'm not sure how to transition cleanly from a round braid to a flat braid.
  2. It's too hot to stand in my shop for more than a few minutes. (I've never been much of a salesman anyway.)
  3. The cutting was always the easy part for me. I'm not trying to make any money at this, so belts, probably, holsters, probably not, unless someone asks me in person to make them one like I'm wearing. I used to be pretty good at edge braiding but I'm almost afraid to try now.
  4. I wanted to introduce myself and say hello... I'm picking up again after a twenty year hiatus from leather. I'm very rusty (so are some of my tools) but it feels good to discover that I'm still competent with a swivel knife. I've been busying myself with woodturning during my lapse. I used to make belts and holsters mostly, with the odd purse and checkbook on request. My first recent project was an ankle cuff my wife wears to cover a scar. I can be a bit wordy at times so I'll apologize now to save time later.
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