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Posts posted by heath

  1. I've recently started back after quitting the shop I used to make saddles at. I was a saddle maker and only tooled there a few times when we were swamped. Our tooler would lay it out and from there I'm confident. I was wanting to find a cheat for laying out corners on saddles, don't have the demand or desire as of now to do a full tooled rig. Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions.

  2. In the shop I worked for all we ever used to clean was Lexol. First we went over it with Lexol PH leather cleaner and then with Lexol NF ( neatsfoot but a non-darkening formula). If you rub in the cleaner with a piece of wool, the used a toothbrush for the tooled areas it will get the dirt out that is what caused the most damage. We dealt with alot of show guys( ropers and pleasure) they were big on keeping there saddles as light as pssible and this combo left them shining and with as little darkening as possible. We oiled our new saddles and tack with olive oil, it gives a nice light honey color and goes on even. We never had to set stuff out side to even out the color, like I've read in several places on here.

  3. Before you lace them together I was taught to lace the skirts together with waxed thread. I put the holes close to the edge and 3/4- 1" apart. This tends to keep the braiding from coming loose over time, as the skirts will be pulling on the thread not the lacing. I also braid them with two pieces of lace instead of on. I can't describe the method but the next time I do one I'll take a pic.


  4. I've had this machine for awhile, and I am wanting to upgrade to a bigger machine. It sews good and I can send pics if there is any interest. I'm asking $1500.


    Here is a pic of the machine and a sheath I sewed with it.





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