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    Computers<br />Leather<br />That's about it.

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  1. Yes, I'm horribly tempted to go the Tandy press route, but the cost is very high at this point in my poor poor life I bought the 'cheap' version of the Tandy stamp tools, I'll order a Hefty Handle for now and give that a try. Thank you all VERY much for your replies!
  2. I have ended up with a fair number of 3D stamps, and have really been struggling with getting them to imprint on leather. I have tried several different things - dry leather, cased leather, wet leather. Hammering it to death, hand-pressure, different hammers and different surfaces. Nothing seems to do it. I know I'm missing something! If anyone can point me to a decent 3D stamp instruction or help me along, I would REALLY appreciate it.
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