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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    The Leatherwork fashion designer
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    Exchange of experience. Acquaintance to interesting people.
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  1. Really beautiful Work. It is beauty!
  2. Thanks for a praise. Skin simple, for jackets. On all job the identical. It wet and dry in the special way.
  3. Many thanks! WOW! Very pleasantly. Many thanks! I will try. Are very glad to enter your community. Thanks you big!
  4. I am glad, that it is pleasant to you. Thanks.
  5. Thanks, Johann. I too like it.
  6. Thanks! Excuse, I badly understand? wetformed-? It "hot pitch" - my invention.
  7. Many thanks! WOW! Many thanks! Many thanks!
  8. The picture album. Interestingly your opinion.
  9. Привет, Сергей! Приятно видеть земляков! Мы тоже жили в Казахстане. Сейчас живём в Сибири. Hi, Sergey! It is pleasant to see fellow countrymen! We too lived in Kazakhstan. Now we live in Siberia.
  10. Many thanks! We work in different styles. But we prefer Rock style. Here one of our photographs.
  11. Hello! We handicraftsmen from Russia. 10 years we work with leather. We spouses. This our family business. We only have joined this site. Are very glad to appear here. We are glad to meet adherents! P.S.: Excuse, if we write with errors.
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