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  1. thank you, terrahyd, my fingertips still ache from all that twisting of the lace, but it was worth it.
  2. thank you, King's X, this is my tenth one, yet i got confused twice whilst making it. guess it takes more practice.
  3. Hi, I made a bracelet form my gf with triple cordover laceing. Hope you like it.
  4. thanks, csoty!
  5. Hi, Mcjeep, Thanks very much! I am not telling you that this video is not very useful, but if you have the means (i.e.: money) please buy Ron Edward's book called "Bush leatherwork" (There is a much more adequate book, but it is in my mothertongue, so that would not prove that useful to you). Ron Edwards explains this plait to the full, no questions left. If there remains any doubt after reading it, I would be more than happy to help you in any way (n.b.: the video you linked is about making the 3 plait, whereas - in my opinion - the 5 plait is the real thing. meaning: it covers more, yet it doesn't start to weave itself around, sort of starting to form a half-cirlcle).
  6. Hi Thalaskaru, Thank you very much. I appreciate it! Puppy (Moha) is fast asleep on my boots now.
  7. Hi Luke, Thank you very much both for the welcoming and your opinion! I mainly do knifesheaths, so this was kind of a new area to me. He seems to like it though. I mean Moha (my dog's name. it means "moss").
  8. Hi all, I am new to this forum, so I hope this post gets where I wanted it to. Did a new collar for my puppy Dachshund:
  9. Hi all, I am glad I came across you! I am Szabolcs Endrefi (SZabi fro short, which is pronounced almost as you pronounce "Subby") 36, male, archer, hunter, dog-owner. I have been working with leather for some time now, but I am always anxious to learn new things, and am open to critique, should you have some.
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