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About diastrom

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  1. Your fiance is quite correct, it is a drow. She must speak a little geek. For the spikes, I cut the two halves out of leather, barged them together and then barged them to the bracers. I had originally planned to rivet them. However, due to the strength of the barge cement bond, determined it wasn't necessary. thanks, EdV glad to hear I may have helped. If you want any close up pix, let me know. It was all guesswork on my part.
  2. Hi, this is my first full armor project. Its nothing like Dom's Celtic but I'm pretty proud of the results. Yes, it may seem a strange costume to some but it was quite a challenge to make. The shoulders, bracers, hip armor, codpiece and chest are all leather. I'd appreciate any constructive criticism.
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